Sword Advisory

Chartered Accountants

Small business tax returns
in Perth and Mandurah

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//Tax surprises

When you recieve a

Tax bill you were't expecting

Small businesses often encounter unforeseen business tax implications stemming from past decisions. Missed deadlines can result in hefty tax bills and ATO penalties, affecting your business's cash flow and hindering future growth and investment plans.

//The experts

We care about how this affects your business

we know how even simple things become frustrating

The ATO is one of the largest and most complicated entities in Australia and getting to discuss an issue with right personal can be a navigational crises in time critical situations.

The chances are, we have already dealt with this situation before and have a known path we can travel to resolve tax lodgement and tax debt problems.

Becoming a licenced tax agent takes years of training and experience and as your tax agent, our role is to deal with the ATO on your behalf so you can avoid the frustration and focus on the outcome.

Tax agent

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08 6169 2882

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Keep calm and outsource business tax problems
//What we do

By planning outcomes in advance and lodging on time, we take the stress of dealing with the tax office away from you

We prepare financial statements and tax returns for sole traders, partnerships, trusts, companies.

Where required by legislation or the board of Directors, we also work with your Auditors, aiming to get a favourable audit opinion.

Australian Taxation Office

As your tax agent, we can assist with small business tax returns and all ATO interactions.

State Revenue Departments

The most common business tax applied to business is pay roll tax and stamp duty.


We can act as your ASIC agent, maintaining your company records and making the neccessary lodgements to the ATO.

//Who do we do it for

We don't work with everyone. We do want to work with you if you have a growth focus

We work with Australian businesses where the status quo is not enough. Some industries we have greater levels of experience are:

Powerful Taxation Strategies

We handle all your business tax returns and lodgements year-round. Keeping meticulous records minimizes stress and unlocks various positive benefits for your business, ready to be leveraged.

Four people discussing business tax planning

Timely and accurate lodgements reduce expenses from late lodgement penalties and interest while also reducing the risk of being audited.

//How we do it

3 Steps to tax freedom

Invite us to be your small business tax accountant

Your current status is assessed and plan is made to bring your tax reporting up to date.

Stay up to date

We assist you by tracking and lodging your ATO, ASIC and state revenue lodgements to keep you up to date and help to identify activity drivers and means you can alter future tax outcomes.

Annual tax planning meeting

We discuss new activities and goals you have performed during the year and have planned for next year so you have an effective plan in place to manage tax and meet your goals.

Book a meeting

Book a free value discovery meeting

//Time to relax

Tax freedom is from

Knowing in advance of how much and when to pay
and what you can do to meet your goals and
minimise taxation

Life is easy when there are no surprises. Small business tax returns and tax planning can be planned in advance.

Enjoying business freedom
//Time for action

Doing nothing will not make problems go away

Take action now, before The ATO takes action for you

Where you fail to correspond with tax offices or breach prior agreements, they are forced to skip steps in reconciliation processes and move onto more aggressive debt collection processes. These can lead to funds being withdrawn from bank accounts without notice, damaged credit ratings affecting your ability to borrow money, Directors Penalty Notices and in the worst cases, applications to court to liquidate the business.

Managing your relationship with the ATO is preferred over the ATO managing their relationship with you.